Dark Hollow Falls




Accumulated Contributions

Legacy Plan

Your contributions to ERFC Legacy, including any costs paid by you for the purchase of service credit, plus the applicable interest paid on all such amounts.

ERFC 2001 Tier 1 and Tier 2 Plans 

Your contributions to ERFC 2001, plus the applicable interest paid on all such amounts. This includes any additional amounts credited through a contribution match as of June 30, 2004, to members who completed at least 12 months of service before July 1, 2004, as provided by Section 1.01(b) of the Plan Document in effect at that time, and in accordance with regulations adopted by the Trustees pursuant to that section. Note that the contribution match was terminated effective June 30, 2004, and that all ERFC 2001 members with at least 12 months of Credited Service before July 1, 2004, received a final match.

Actuarial Equivalent

A benefit of equal Reserve Value.

Additional Temporary Benefit

Legacy Plan

A temporary ERFC Legacy benefit payment amount that supplements your ERFC Legacy benefit payments until you become eligible for full Social Security. Also called the “Social Security Offset Benefit.”

Alternative “Guarantee” Benefit

Legacy Plan

On July 1, 1988, changes were implemented in the calculation formulas to be used in subsequent ERFC Legacy benefit plans. ERFC Legacy members who were employed by FCPS on July 1, 1988, and who had earned service credit prior to that date, may elect to receive an alternative benefit amount to be paid upon reaching the age of eligibility for full Social Security benefits. These alternative benefits are called “guarantees” because they are calculated to preserve the income levels that the affected ERFC Legacy members could have reasonably expected to earn under the earlier plan formulas.



In the event you should die before receiving benefits equal to your accumulated contributions, ERFC will refund any remaining balance in your account, with interest, to your surviving spouse or your named beneficiary(ies). It’s very important to name your beneficiary from day one, so ERFC can refund any remaining accumulated contributions in your account to the beneficiary you choose. You may designate your beneficiary online through ERFCDirect or by using the paper form ERFC 1.

Please Note: Beneficiary designations submitted in writing using form ERFC 1 must be notarized.

Benefit Restoration Plan (BRP)

An excess benefit plan, conducted through a non-qualified arrangement within the meaning of Section 415(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, that restores the portion of the total benefits due to you that would otherwise be lost by application of the limitation on annual benefits, under Section 415(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, as applicable to governmental plans.


Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)

Legacy Plan

An annual percentage increase granted to all ERFC retirees, starting on March 31 following the calendar year in which they retired. The first COLA paid after retirement equals 1.49 percent of the ERFC Legacy benefit payment. Thereafter, a minimum 3 percent COLA will be factored into the benefit annually on March 31.

ERFC 2001 Tier 1 Plan 

An annual percentage increase granted to all ERFC retirees, starting on March 31 following the calendar year in which they retired. Under the ERFC 2001 Tier 1schedule, the first COLA paid after retirement equals 1.49 percent of the ERFC 2001 Tier 1 benefit payment. Thereafter, a minimum 3 percent COLA will be factored into the benefit annually on March 31.

ERFC 2001 Tier 2 Plan 

An annual percentage increase granted to all ERFC retirees, starting on March 31 following the calendar year in which they retired. Under the ERFC 2001 Tier 2 schedule, the first COLA paid after retirement equals approximately half of the full COLA amount, capped at 2 percent. Thereafter, the full COLA will equal 100 percent of the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area for the period ending in November of each year, capped at 4 percent.

Creditable Virginia Service

Legacy Plan

Creditable Virginia Service is a factor used exclusively for calculating the VRS Adjustment. It includes service for which you have been credited, or would have been eligible for credit under VRS, plus all ERFC Legacy service credit purchased after January 1, 1989. Most service credit purchased prior to January 1, 1989 will not be included in your Creditable Virginia Service.

Credited Service

Legacy Plan

A factor used to calculate your ERFC Legacy benefit, which includes all periods of eligible FCPS employment for which you have made ERFC contributions, any credited pre-1973 service, Purchased Service Credit, accumulated Unused Sick Leave, and Military Service Credit. (Although federal law would permit FCPS to require payment of your Member contributions as a condition of receiving Military Service Credit, the Plan grants credit for qualified service without requiring payment.)

Please Note: You may not be “re-credited” for any period of service for which you have received a refund of ERFC contributions.

ERFC 2001 Tier 1 and Tier 2 Plans 

Includes all periods of eligible FCPS employment for which you have made ERFC contributions, accumulated Unused Sick Leave (effective July 1, 2024), and Military Service Credit to the extent required under federal law. (Although federal law would permit FCPS to require payment of your Member contributions as a condition of receiving Military Service Credit, the Plan grants credit for qualified service without requiring payment.)


Death-in-Service Benefits

Legacy Plan

Benefits payable to a designated beneficiary, if a vested ERFC Legacy member dies while in FCPS Eligible Employment, or while on an approved leave from such a position. The types and amounts of benefits depend on the member’s relationship to the beneficiary. If the death-in- service is determined to be work related, the five-year Vesting Service requirement is waived.

ERFC 2001 Tier 1 and Tier 2 Plans 

Benefits payable to an eligible Named Beneficiary, if a vested ERFC 2001 member dies while in FCPS Eligible Employment, or while on an approved leave from such a position. The types and amounts of benefits depend on the member’s relationship to the beneficiary.

Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP)

Legacy Plan

DROP is effective July 1, 2024. Under DROP, if you’re eligible for an unreduced retirement, you can continue to work full time for FCPS and receive a salary for a maximum of five years. Once you enter DROP, you’ll no longer contribute to or earn additional years of service for your ERFC pension. Your monthly ERFC pension benefits will go to an interest-bearing DROP account that’s payable to you at the end of the DROP period. When you exit DROP, you’ll receive the funds in your DROP account and your monthly ERFC pension will start going to you via direct deposit. For all the details, visit the DROP webpage.

Defined Benefit

With defined benefit plans (also called pensions), a set formula is established and used to compute your retirement benefit, based upon your compensation level and length of service. ERFC Legacy and ERFC 2001 together constitute a defined benefit retirement plan, qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Disability Benefit

Legacy Plan

In the event a severe injury or illness permanently impedes the performance of FCPS employment duties, a fully vested ERFC Legacy member may be determined eligible for a disability retirement under the ERFC Legacy benefits structure. Contact ERFC directly for the application materials necessary to process and verify any request for a disability retirement. 


Early Service Reduction Factors

Legacy Plan

Early service reduction factors are used to determine a benefit schedule of equivalent total value when you elect to begin drawing benefits before you are eligible for a full service retirement. See the Table of Early Service Reduction Factors detailed in the back of the ERFC Legacy handbook.

Eligible Employment

The periods of paid employment and approved leave with pay, in specific FCPS positions, throughout which contributions are paid to ERFC. “Eligible” FCPS positions include all full-time, monthly paid teachers and related educational personnel, instructional assistants, administrative, technical and support staff employees.


Final Annual Salary

Your salary for the 12 months immediately preceding termination of Eligible Employment.

Final Average Compensation (FAC)

Legacy Plan

The average of your three highest consecutive years of salary during Eligible Employment, as defined by the Board of Trustees in uniform and nondiscriminatory regulations.

ERFC 2001 Tier 1 Plan 

The average of your three highest consecutive years of salary during Eligible Employment, as defined by the Board of Trustees in uniform and nondiscriminatory regulations.

ERFC 2001 Tier 2 Plan 

The average of your five highest consecutive years of salary during Eligible Employment, as defined by the Board of Trustees in uniform and nondiscriminatory regulations.

Full Service Benefit

The Legacy Plan

Under the ERFC Legacy benefit structure, you are entitled to Full Service Benefits when you reach age 55 years or older with 25 or more years of Credited Service, OR at age 65 with 5 or more years of Vesting Service. 


Interest Credit

Interest is credited each fiscal year on all amounts that have been on deposit with ERFC for the full fiscal year. The current rate is 4 percent. Based on ERFC’s financial standings, the Board of Trustees may adopt a different rate for a particular year.


Level Lifetime Benefit (LLB)

Legacy Plan

Under the Level Lifetime Benefit (LLB), you receive a level monthly ERFC Legacy benefit amount. The LLB is of equivalent actuarial value to the other payment types, but with a present value (in actuarial terms) at least equal to your balance of Accumulated Contributions at the time of retirement.

Lifetime Benefit

The ERFC benefit paid from the time you retire until your death.


Nominated Beneficiary (Survivor)

The person you name to receive your ERFC pension benefit after your death. Your selection of a survivor is optional and is limited to one of the following:

  1. Your surviving spouse
  2. A former spouse
  3. A dependent child who is physically or mentally incompetent as determined by a court, or otherwise verified by ERFC.
  4. Another person, 40 years of age or older, for whom you have provided more than 50 percent support for at least one year immediately prior to your retirement from FCPS.


Purchased Service Credit

Legacy Plan

ERFC permits members under the ERFC Legacy benefit structure to purchase service credit for periods of prior Eligible Employment that do not otherwise qualify for retirement or pension benefits. Although you may not purchase credit to attain vesting, service credit may be purchased, within eligibility conditions, to help qualify for full or reduced service retirement benefits sooner than anticipated.


Reduced Service (Early Service) Benefit

Legacy Plan

An option under the ERFC Legacy benefit structure that allows a fully vested member to retire up to 10 years prior to reaching the eligible age for a full service retirement. The amount of the monthly benefit is reduced because payments are initiated earlier and distributed over a longer period of time.

Reserve Value

The present value of all payments to be made on account of any benefit, using such reasonable rates of interest and tables of experience as the Board of Trustees shall adopt from time to time after consulting with the actuary.


Social Security Offset Benefit

Legacy Plan

An ERFC Legacy benefit amount that supplements your ERFC Legacy benefit temporarily, if elected, from the date you retire until you become eligible for full Social Security benefits. Also called the “Additional Temporary Benefit.”

Survivor (Nominated Beneficiary)

The person you name to receive your ERFC pension benefit after your death. Your selection of a survivor is optional and is limited to one of the following:

  1. Your surviving spouse
  2. A former spouse
  3. A dependent child who is physically or mentally incompetent as determined by a court, or otherwise verified by ERFC.
  4. Another person, 40 years of age or older, for whom you have provided more than 50 percent support for at least one year immediately prior to your retirement from FCPS.


Unused Sick Leave

Legacy Plan

Sick leave you earned prior to the effective date of retirement for which you have received neither sick pay during employment nor payment following employment termination. Unused Sick Leave will not be counted as Credited Service for the purpose of determining retirement eligibility but only for the purpose of increasing the amount of your benefit under the ERFC Legacy plan structure. See Chapter 3 of the ERFC Legacy handbook for additional information on the applications of unused sick leave.

ERFC 2001 Tier 1 and Tier 2 Plans 

Sick leave you earned prior to the effective date of retirement for which you have received neither sick pay during employment nor payment following employment termination. Unused Sick Leave will not be counted as Credited Service for the purpose of determining retirement eligibility but (effective July 1, 2024) only for the purpose of increasing the amount of your benefit under the ERFC 2001 plan structure. 


Vesting Service

The period of time in your FCPS career in which you are earning the right to receive a retirement benefit from ERFC. You are considered “fully vested” after you have completed five years of Vesting Service, working in an eligible position with FCPS as a contributory member of ERFC. Also includes Military Service Credit for such periods of time for which a member is entitled to credit under federal law. As long as you are a fully vested member, you can earn the right to receive a retirement benefit, even if you leave FCPS employment before you are eligible to retire.

VRS Adjustment

Legacy Plan

The VRS Adjustment is a factor in the ERFC Legacy benefit formula used to adjust the level of ERFC Legacy benefits necessary to provide an appropriate supplement to the corresponding amount of benefits you can expect to earn from the Virginia Retirement System (VRS).

VRS Average Final Compensation

Legacy Plan

The “average final compensation” used in calculating your VRS benefits pursuant to applicable provisions of the Virginia Code.